Inclusive & accessible playground for the children of Green & Delhi Townships

Help all students be sucessful through play
Call 513-574-1100
Benefitting kids

Fast Facts
Scottie Yard will create a space where over 700 K-5 classmates with all types of needs can play together. Will you support us in our mission to create a gathering spot where children and families of all abilities are welcome?

Oakdale is the only accessible elementary school in the Oak Hills Local School District.
All students with physical disabilities in the district attend Oakdale. There are currently 705 students at Oakdale; approximately 100 students with recognized disabilities.
Oak Hills Local School District is comprised of all of Delhi Township and portions of Green Township
Currently no completely accessible playgrounds exist in the Oak Hills Local School District, Delhi or Green Township. Some of the existing Oakdale playground equipment is more than 20 years old.
The Scottie Yard Playground will be available for community use after school hours, on weekends and during winter, spring and summer breaks.
The playground includes: accessible structure, poured-in-place rubber flooring, integrated shade structures and interactive equipment.
Total cost of the project is $165,000.
Funds are being raised through grants and private donations with the help of the Oak Hills Alumni & Educational Foundation and Green Township.

Donate today!
Every dollar helps.
We accept credit cards and PayPal payments online. Checks can be made payable to OHAEF, attention: Scottie Yard and mailed to 6325 Rapid Run Road, Cincinnati, OH 45233