Inclusive & accessible playground for the children of Green & Delhi Townships

Help all students be sucessful through play
Call 513-574-1100
Benefitting kids

Supporters who make tax-deductible donations to the playground will receive:
$25 Hand written note from Mr. Harold
$50 Selfie with Mr. Harold or Scottie dog posted on the
playground page/social media
$100 Mr. Harold will push you on the swings for 10
minutes at the dedication ceremony
$250 Be one of the first down the slide during the
playground dedication ceremony
$300 Name painted on an image on the playground mural
$500 Name engraved on plaque on the playground mural
$1,500 Name on bench surrounding the playground
$5,000 Name on the swings on the playground
$10,000 Name on piece of equipment (fun assembly
structure, slides (2), shades(2))
$80,000 Name on the Imax poured rubber flooring
$100,000 Naming rights for the entire Scottie Yard playground

Can you help us build our playground?

Email Michelle for sponsorship information or grant inquiries.