Thank you, volunteers!
Wow! We just can't thank you enough. What a wonderful day it was on Saturday, August 1 as our community came together to install the...
Demolition day
It's not Extreme Home Makeover and we don't have Ty Pennington leading the project. But, it is an Extreme PLAYGROUND makeover! We've...

The playground is down
On Thursday, July 1 it stopped raining and the sun was shining. We got the call we'd been waiting for>>> it was demolition day for our...

Help us build the new playground!
Our build date is set for July 25 to install our new, inclusive, accessible and AMAZING playground. Can you help us? We need 50...

Check out our colors
Exciting news . . . Thanks to all the generosity shown by our Scottie Supporters we have ordered our playground equipment! We finalized...

Oakdale PTA rocks!
The 2014 - 2015 Oakdale PTA has been a wonderful supporter of the Scottie Yard from the beginning. The members have given not only their...

Community support continues
The Cincinnati Elks #5 presented a check to the Foundation on Friday, June 5 for the ‪#‎scottieyard‬ at Oakdale Elementary. We are so...

Thank you ~ Oak Hills Alumni & Educational Foundation
On Wednesday, May 6, the Foundation held their 17th annual recognition dinner. The theme of the evening centered on the Scottie Yard...

UPS supports the Scottie Yard
After speaking with representatives from UPS I have more good news to share; they are supporting our kids and the new playground. Their...